

1. 个人简介:


2. 教育背景:




3. 工作经历:





20035月至20045月,加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University),访问学者;

20108月至20112月,美国西北大学(Northwestern University),高级访问学者。

4. 研究方向:


5. 讲授课程:


6. 代表性论著:

[1] Anqi Wang, Ping Zou, Jilin Xu, Wenjie Wang. Investigation on reduction in compaction of ultrasonic vibration-assisted powder feeding for additive manufacturing[J]. Powder Technology, 2024, 435: 119414.

[2] Wenjie Wang, Ping Zou, Jilin Xu, Kornel F. Ehmann. Surface morphology evolution mechanisms of laser polishing in ambient gas. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 250: 108302.  

[3] Jilin Xu, Ping Zou, Xue Wang, Lu Liu. Investigation into the laser polishing of an austenitic stainless steel. Optics and Laser Technology, 2023, 163: 109378.

[4] Jilin Xu, Ping Zou, Lu Liu, Wenjie Wang, Di Kang. Investigation on the mechanism of a new laser surface structuring by laser re-melting. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022, 443: 128615.

[5] Jilin Xu, Ping Zou, Di Kang, Wenjie Wang, Wang Anqi. Research on the formation mechanism of the surface structure in transition regime of laser polishing 304 stainless steel. Optics and Laser Technology, 2022, 149: 107906.

[6] Jilin Xu, Ping Zou, Wenjie Wang, Di Kang. Study on the mechanism of surface topography evolution in melting and transition regimes of laser polishing. Optics and Laser Technology, 2021, 139: 106947.

[7] Di Kang, Ping Zou, Wenjie Wang, Jilin Xu, Cheng Shen. A lens ultrasonic vibration assisted laser machining system for laser polishing and laser drilling of 304 stainless steel. Optics and Laser Technology. 2021; 144: 107419.

[8] Jilin Xu, Ping Zou, Di Kang, Wenjie Wang. Theoretical and experimental study of bulge formation in laser polishing of 304 stainless steel. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 66: 39-52.

[9] Di Kang, Ping Zou, Hao Wu, Wenjie Wang, Jilin Xu. Research on ultrasonic vibration-assisted laser polishing of the 304 stainless steel. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 62: 403-417.

[10] Hao Wu, Ping Zou, Wentao Yan, Jian Cao, Kornel F. Ehmann. Micro wave patterns by vibrating-lens assisted laser machining. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020, 277: 116424.

[11] Hao Wu, David Pritchet, Sarah Wolff, Jian Cao, Kornel F. Ehmann, Ping Zou. A vibration-assisted powder delivery system for additive manufacturing-an experimental investigation. Additive Manufacturing, 2020, 34: 101170.

[12] Hao Wu, Ping Zou, Jian Cao, Kornel F. Ehmann, Vibrating-lens-assisted laser drilling, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 55: 389-398.

[13] Di Kang, Ping Zou, Hao Wu, Wenjie Wang, Jilin Xu. Theoretical and experimental study of ultrasonic vibration-assisted laser polishing 304 stainless steel. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 206146-206163.

[14] Di Kang, Ping Zou, Hao Wu, Jingwei Duan and Wenjie Wang. Study on ultrasonic vibration–assisted cutting of Nomex honeycomb cores. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 104(1-4): 979-992.

[15] 邹平, 张耀满. 先进制造加工技术[M]. 机械工业出版社, 2023.

7. 代表性发明专利:

[1] 邹平,康迪,王文杰,吴昊,陈硕,段经伟,一种轴向振动透镜辅助激光加工装置,发明专利号: ZL201811503617.X.

[2] 邹平,王文杰,康迪,吴昊,赵海东,陈硕,一种透镜轴向低频振动辅助激光加工装置,发明专利号: ZL201811503631.X.

[3] 邹平,吴昊,王文杰,康迪,赵海东,沈诚,一种透镜径向低频振动辅助激光加工装置,发明专利号: ZL201811504602.5.

[4] 邹平,王文杰,吴昊,康迪,田英健,徐辑林,一种透镜低频往复转动辅助激光加工装置,发明专利号: ZL201811504595.9.

[5] 邹平,康迪,吴昊,王文杰,田英健,徐辑林,一种振动透镜微转动辅助激光加工装置,发明专利号: ZL201811504604.4.

[6] 邹平,吴昊,康迪,王文杰,段经伟,沈诚,一种径向振动透镜辅助激光加工装置,发明专利号: ZL201811504646.8.

[7] 邹平,张志坚,段经伟,陈硕,康迪,关久良,一种并联与螺旋槽组合式单激励三维曲面超声辅助车削装置,ZL201910938728.1.

[8] 邹平,康迪,赵海东,田英建,陈硕,任利东,任毅,一种振动切割工作头,发明专利号: ZL201710673548.6.

[9] 邹平,段经伟,田英建,康迪,何宇,张志坚,霍达,一种可提高振动维数的振动辅助车削装置,发明专利号: ZL201910034511.8.

[10] 邹平,张志坚,田英健,吴昊,王文杰,魏事宇,一种双螺旋槽组合式单激励三维曲面超声辅助车削装置,ZL201910938719.2.

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